Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I went to see orthopedic surgeon and he mentioned that he was concerned about something he saw on x ray so later that week he had an me come in for an MRI. It was interesting having it done and afterwards I met with surgeon. It turns out that the lateral side of tibia on condoyle below knee is fractured. The x ray that he was concerned about made it look like part of the bone was not there. However, it turns out that I have a massive bone contusion which caused the x ray to not have a very good reading. I don't need a cast but I will have to stay off of it for another 6-8 weeks :(. It could have been worse. I was able to keep a copy of it on a cd and can veiw on my computer. It has over 150 views of both the bones and muscles and tissues that make up my knee from different angles. I'm relieved that most of it will be covered through my health insurance from work.

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